4 Simple Tips to Improve Your Search Engine Rank

There is a lot of information on the web about search engine optimization. While having resources to turn to is usually good, in this case, the sheer amount of information makes things difficult, as it is hard to weed out the good advice from the bad advice.
If you are new to the field, things may be even more complicated for you. The following tips, though, have been used time and time again to great success. Follow them, and you will see improvement in your page's ranking in no time.
Tip #1 Fast Page Load
Make sure that your page loads quickly. Part of how Google figures out how to rank pages is their load speed; therefore, not only will a slow loading page be a huge turn off to anyone visiting your site, it will also hurt your SEO efforts.
There are applications available for free online that will help you figure out your page speed with little to no effort on your part. You will get a score that allows you to figure out how much work you need to put into your page; in general, a high score is better than a low score.
If you find that your page isn't loading as quickly as you would like, there are a few things you can do.
Tip #2 Avoid Redirects
Try to stay away from redirects if at all possible. When your page is being designed, many people tend to forget about the trailing slash at the end of a URL. When this is left off, a redirect becomes necessary. In addition, a redirect could occur if you move around one of your pages or even your entire site. Be aware of this and take steps to avoid it.
Tip #3 Every picture tells a story
Images are great for a website; they add visual appeal and they keep people interested and focused on the topic at hand (much more than text does on its own). However, if an image is very large, your page is not going to load as quickly as it should. Therefore, you need to go through and adjust the images so that they are a small size.
Tip #4 Build Trust
Make sure your site appears to be on the "up and up." If visitors trust you and your site, your website ranking will rise. In order to better promote this feeling, things like a privacy policy are important, as well as making sure your contact information is very visible and easy to understand.
If you receive testimonials from any satisfied customers, put those up on your site as well. Finally, having a page solely dedicated to helping others get to know you is also crucial. Put up names, pictures and information about your life and what you do. If you have any employees, add them to this page as well.
Search engine optimization tactics can have a huge impact on the success or failure of your site. Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad information out there that could derail your plans. Use the tips included above and you will be on track to SEO success before you know it.
For more great info on SEO and other Marketing related stuff go to http://www.whitebullmarketing.com - Now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7790627